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Continuing Professional Development

Please note that only Professionalism Hours must be accredited by the LSO. 


If a program hosted by the FLA does not get approved for specific Professionalism Hours, then the hours for that program can often be applied towards the Substantive Hours of CPD required by the LSO. However, lawyers must determine for themselves whether a program is an Eligible Educational Activity for CPD and qualifies for Substantive Hours.


For more information about LSO accreditation and requirements, please visit:


To receive emails regarding CPD programming, please register here for our mailing list.  

THE YEAR IN REVIEW: The Top Family Law Cases of 2024



January 13, 2025

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Back by popular demand, do NOT miss this essential overview and discussion by the leading family law experts of the top family law cases of the past year.

Chair: Justice Wiri Kapurura, Ontario Court of Justice


Aaron Franks, Partner, Epstein Cole

Adam Prewer, Partner, Epstein Cole

Where: HYBRID Event: In Person at 311 Jarvis and by ZOOM

When: Monday, January 13, 2025

From: 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Applying Principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Effective Lawyering in Family Law and Child Protection Law



December 2, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes


Chair:               Justice Renu Mandhane, Superior Court of Justice


Speakers:       Professor Abdi Aidid, Visiting Associate Professor of Law at Yale Law School and Assistant Professor at University of Toronto Faculty of Law

Vanassa Richards-Thompson, Family and Child Protection Lawyer


Where:             Online through ZOOM

When:               Monday, December 2, 2024

From:                4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


Family lawyers work closely with their clients to determine how to best present their story to the court. Cultural competence is an essential part of every family lawyer’s toolkit. Our panel will discuss how to effectively put your client’s case in context for the court and how to lead relevant evidence about race, culture, language, religion, and other identity characteristics. Join us for an engaging discussion about the best practices for applying EDI principles when representing your clients and how to develop the advocacy skills that will ensure that your client’s position is properly before the court.


This program has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism by the Law Society of Ontario.


CPD: This program contains 1 hour and 30 minutes of EDI content.

Materials will be provided electronically.

Child Support: When Hardship Becomes Undue & The Standard of Living Comparison



November 13, 2024

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Please join our distinguished panel for an afternoon of legal argument and practical tips as we explore the following topics:

 Undue Hardship claims under section 10 of the CSG

 New partners and the standard of living comparison

 How the calculations change in shared parenting arrangements

 Claims under s. 5 of the CSG where a spouse stands in the place of a parent

 How Retroactive support and spousal support are factored into undue hardship claims

Chair: The Honourable Justice Stanley Sherr, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto


Michael J. Stangarone, Partner at MacDonald & Partners LLP

Stephanie D.A.Okola, Okola Law Professional Corporation

Justin G. Persaud, Law Offices of Justin G. Persaud

Project Managers: Renatta Austin, Vanessa D’Souza and Olivia Oprea

The Legal Professional's Guide to Adobe PDF Pro



November 6, 2024

Substantive CPD:

Family Lawyers Association

Professionalism CPD:

60 minutes


Jurisgae, a Toronto-based litigation support tool developer, has also created a CPD- accredited course on Adobe PDF Pro. The course aims to help legal professionals

master the features and nuances common in most PDF software. It will be hosted by Ariel Nacson, Chief Customer Officer of Jurisage, and Pauline Feng, Manager of Customer Support at Jurisage. Together, Ariel and Pauline bring a combined 10 years of experience supporting legal professionals with PDF software.

About the course:

Elevate your understanding of Adobe PDF Pro with "The Legal Professional’s Guide to Adobe PDF Pro" accredited for 1.5 professionalism hours by The Law Society of Ontario and The Law Society of British Columbia.

Skills include:

➔ Interface

➔ Creation and editing of PDFs

➔ Bookmarking and hyperlinking

➔ Bates Numbering

➔ Compiling PDF portfolios

Don't miss this opportunity to accelerate your proficiency in Adobe and other PDF software. Sign up today to transform the way you work!


This program is free! To register, please click here for the Eventbrite Page. 

To see more information about the program, please view the flyer here.

Advocacy and Best Practices when Working with Litigants with Mental Health Challenges in Child Protection and Family Law Proceedings



November 4, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice Yvonne Fiamengo, Superior Court of Justice

Speakers: Anthea Cheung, Counsel, Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

Katharina Janczaruk, Senior Family Law Counsel

Julia O’Byrne, Counsel, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto

Dr. Peter Marshall, Psychologist

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Monday, November 4, 2024

From: 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Please join us for this important discussion on the different considerations and options when working with litigants with mental health challenges in child protection and family law proceedings. Our experienced panel will canvass issues related to when mental health challenges become relevant to parenting or a risk of harm to a child, the considerations regarding the involvement of the Public Guardian and Trustee or amicus curiae and the benefits and challenges of mental health and parenting capacity assessments when litigants present with mental health issues. Maximizing the ability to work fairly with litigants, including self-represented litigants, who present with mental health challenges is fundamental to effective client representation and advocacy for family justice professionals. Don’t miss this essential program!

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence: Practical Applications and Best Practices for Family Law Lawyers



October 8, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair:               Justice Manjusha Pawagi, Ontario Court of Justice


Speaker:         Abdi Aidid – Visiting Associate Professor of Law at Yale Law School and Assistant Professor at University of Toronto Faculty of Law 


Where:             Online through ZOOM

When:               Tuesday, October 8, 2024           

From:                4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


Please join us for an engaging conversation with Professor Abdi Aidid on artificial intelligence (AI) and the legal profession. Professor Aidid will discuss the opportunities and challenges that exist within AI and will help us understand what AI actually is (and isn’t), how the technology works, and the impact AI is having on the legal profession, with a focus on family law.

The Legal Professional's Guide to Microsoft Word



September 25, 2024

Substantive CPD:

Family Lawyers Association

Professionalism CPD:

90 minutes

Jurisgae, a Toronto-based litigation support tool developer, has created a CPD- accredited course on Microsoft Word. The course aims to help legal professionals master the features and nuances of Microsoft Word, the key to an efficient legal practice. It will be hosted by Ariel Nacson, Chief Customer Officer of Jurisage, and Pauline Feng, Manager of Customer Support at Jurisage. Between Ariel and Pauline, they bring a combined 10 years of experience supporting legal professionals with Word the Jurisage Word Add-In.

About the course:

Elevate your understanding of Microsoft Word with "The Legal Professional’s Guide to

Microsoft Word", accredited for 1.5 professionalism hours by The Law Society of Ontario and The Law Society of British Columbia.

Topics include:

➔ Utilizing Styles and paragraph formatting

➔ Bullets and numbering

➔ Navigating your document

➔ Track changes and commenting

By the end of this course, participants will become adept at creating new documents, formatting existing ones, and navigating the complexities of Microsoft Word with confidence.

Don't miss this opportunity to accelerate your proficiency of Microsoft Word. Sign up today to transform the way you work!

Winning Words: Tips for Effective Written and Oral Advocacy



September 18, 2024

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

30 Minutes

Build your effective written and oral advocacy muscles!  Learn from experts from the Bench and Bar about best practices and tips on how to improve your written and oral advocacy.  Your clients deserve your best and judges demand your effective advocacy.  You will leave this program with tips, strategies and lessons from speakers and a Judge with cumulatively more than 70 years of experience in family law litigation.  



Chair: The Honourable Justice Melanie Sager, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto


Speakers:   Julia Tremain, Family Law Lawyer

                       Gary Gottlieb, Family Law Lawyer


Project Managers: David Miller, Theodora Oprea and Simon Fisch




Materials included. On the day of the program, the Zoom session will open at 4:00 p.m. Once admitted, you are free to attend to other tasks until the start of the program. If you attempt to join at or after 4:30pm, there may be a delay in admitting you.  


Please join the meeting with your name as registered or you will risk being removed.

Deadline to register: September 11, 2024


The Nuts and Bolts of Advocacy: Build Your Litigation Toolbox



June 11, 2024

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee

Professionalism CPD:

90 minutes

The North Toronto Family Court Education Committee is pleased to present our annual presentation delivered by the Judiciary at 47 Sheppard. This event is not to be missed as we explore the following topics among many others:

  • Overlooked claims and remedies

  • Advocacy on Motions, Conferences and Uncontested hearings – missteps and over-steps

  • Litigation drift in domestic and child protection matters

  • Obtaining and Introducing Third Party Records

  • Motions for Security for Costs

  • Procedural tips including amending pleadings, striking pleadings and withdrawing claims

  • Courtroom Practices and Decorum

Chair: The Honourable Justice Carolyn Jones, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto Project Managers: Stephanie Okola, Katie Skinner and Vanessa D’Souza

Stormy Seas: Navigating the Challenging Evidentiary Waters in Family Violence Cases



June 10, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 minutes

15 minutes

Reflecting the 2021 amendments to the Divorce Act (mirrored in the Children’s Law Reform Act), in 2022 the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that findings of family violence are a critical consideration in the best interests analysis. The Court also recognized that these allegations can be challenging to prove, thus proof of even one incident of family violence may raise safety concerns for the victim relevant to the determinations courts must make. Professor Rollie Thompson will offer expert guidance on how to navigate the challenging evidentiary considerations in cases involving family violence. Please join us for this essential program for all family law practitioners!

What do Family Lawyers need to know about public pensions and retirement for low- and modest-income folks?



May 22, 2024

Substantive CPD:

Family Lawyers Association

Professionalism CPD:

90 minutes

30 minutes EDI


People with low incomes depend on public pensions to manage in retirement. The system of public pensions and benefits such as the federal Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), refundable tax credits, and the Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) form the core of income supports for seniors of low and modest incomes.

This seminar will provide a guide to these programs, from their policy objectives, to how seniors qualify and apply for these supports. The presenters will walk you through a few scenarios that family lawyers face working with lower-income clients.

The presenters are members of the Expert Panel on Income Security at the Council on Aging of Ottawa.

Joanne Roulston, MSW, JD, is a lawyer, mediator and social worker, former director of the National Council of Welfare, and instructor at Carleton University's School of Social Work.

John Stapleton is a former senior research associate with the Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership at the University of Toronto, and principal at Open Policy Ontario. John is the former chair of the Board of West Scarborough Community Legal Services, and has served on many task forces and committees that studied income security.

"Where is the Money" Imputing Income to Self-Employed Payors (Part Two)



May 6, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 minutes

Do not miss our panel of experts discuss how to navigate and determine income of the self-employed payor who owns a corporation. How counsel for the payor and the recipient navigate issues of disclosure and provide the proper evidence to advance your case before the Court. Determining what corporate expenses should be properly added back into the payor’s income for support purposes. How does the Court deal with these complex issues?

The Voice of the Child in Child Protection Proceedings: Methods, Challenges and Practice Considerations



April 10, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 minutes

15 minutes

Join our panel of senior child protection lawyers for a primer on the legal framework that governs the admission of children’s evidence in a child protection proceeding. You will hear practical tips on how to conduct a voir dire on the admissibility of a child’s out of court statements without looking like a first-year law student. Cases where children have testified directly in a child protection proceeding will also be reviewed. The panel will provide expert guidance on how counsel should approach the relevant evidentiary and procedural issues from the perspective of Children’s Aid Society counsel, parent’s counsel and child’s counsel.

All about Spousal Support:
A master class with Rollie Thompson



March 27, 2024

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee

Professionalism CPD:

90 minutes

Join us for a master class in sposual support with Profesor Rollie Thompson! From the basics of entitlement and the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, to the more challenging issues that arise in spousal support cases, including retroactive spousal support claims, learn effective and pratical tipes to sucessfully litigate your spousal support claims. This program is not to be missed for family law practitoners.

Effective Advocacy:
FRO and Interjurisdictional Support Enforcement



March 4, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 minutes

15 minutes

The non-payment of support presents challenges for both Payors and Recipients. Recipient’s counsel must ensure a support order is enforceable and avoid drafting errors that may impact enforcement. Payor’s counsel must have knowledge and expertise in FRO enforcement proceedings to provide advice on how to respond in these cases. Enforcement becomes more complex, when a payor or recipient resides in a different jurisdiction.

Join our expert panel who will:

  • provide an overview of FRO support enforcement proceedings, Notice of

    Default Hearings, Motions for Committal and Refraining Motions, and

    how to respond to these proceedings;

  • discuss pointers and pitfalls in the drafting of support provisions;

  • examine the enforcement of support a cross jurisdictions;and

  • review what you need to know about the relevant legislation, including the Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996 the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, 2002, and the newly implemented 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (in effect as of February 1, 2024).

The Year in Review: Child Protection



February 5, 2024

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 minutes

Do not miss our panel of experts explain important developments in child protection law over the last 12 months. The panelists have selected a few of the most significant cases to child protection practitioners and will examine each case from the perspective of parent’s counsel, child’s counsel, and counsel for Children’s Aid Society. You will also be provided with essential developments in the case law relating to An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families. This program is a must for those who practice child protection or are interested in expanding their family practice.

Expert Evidence from an Expert on Evidence



January 31, 2024

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee

Professionalism CPD:

90 minutes

Effective advocacy requires a firm grasp of the rules of expert evidence. Professor Benjamin Berger will give you a refresher on the key rules and latest developments on expert evidence, including the most recent case law. The panel will discuss the updated legal tests on expert evidence and how it may impact your family law and child protection cases. Don’t miss this!

Tips and Tricks: How to Make Sure you cover all the bases



November 6, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 minutes

15 minutes

Please join our panel of experts regarding best practices for drafting Minutes of Settlement, Separation Agreements, and Statements of Agreed Facts in child protection matters. This program will teach you everything you need to know about the differences between each of these documents, what each document should contain, how to protect both yourself and your client, and what pitfalls you may encounter. Do not miss this essential primer in drafting!

Chair: Justice Sandra Meyrick, Ontario Court of Justice


Andrea Kim, Barrister and Solicitor, Partner at Jain Family Law

Paula McGirr, Barrister and Solicitor, Senior counsel at LAO

Eric Savdari, Barrister and Solicitor, Senior counsel at Goldhart Kenet

Am I a Party? Navigating Party Status in Child Protection Cases When Providing ILA to Prospective Caregivers



October 17, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 minutes

15 minutes

311 Open Bar Series Presents...

Am I a Party? Navigating Party Status in Child Protection Cases When Providing ILA to Prospective Caregivers

Chair: Justice Sheilagh O’Connell, Senior Advisory Family Justice, Ontario Court of Justice


Deana DeGrâce, Legal Director, Peel Children’s Aid Society

Tammy Law, Barrister & Solicitor, Tammy Law Corporation

Margarida Pacheco, Barrister & Solicitor, Pacheco Family Law

Where: Online through ZOOM

When:  Tuesday, October 17, 2023 from 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The family bar is often called upon to provide ILA to prospective caregivers about the implications of assuming care and custody of a child involved in the child welfare system. Knowing how to competently advise a caregiver has become all the more important in light of the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex v. T.E. on party status in child protection proceedings. The panel will also offer their best tips on providing ILA in family law.

CPD: 75 minutes substantive; 15 minutes professionalism. Materials will be provided electronically.

To register, please visit:

Navigating Compliance: Mastering Enforcement of Parenting Orders



September 19, 2023

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

90 minutes

Dive into the latest case law and best practices for enforcing family court orders in both domestic and child protection proceedings. Focused on Rule 1(8) of the Family Law Rules, our expert panel will guide you through effective client management and the legal remedies you need to master to be successful in court.

Do not miss this program!

Chair: The Honourable Justice Melanie Sager, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto


Surinder Multani, Counsel, Carson Chousky Lein LLP

Lauren Stringer, Counsel, Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto Michael Tweyman, Founding Partner, Modern Family Law

Project Managers: Lauren Calderwood, Arthika Srivarapathy and Wendy Yee

“A” is for Advocacy : A Roadmap to Success



June 13, 2023

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

90 minutes

“A” is for Advocacy : A Roadmap to Success

The North Toronto Family Court Education Committee is delighted to present our favorite annual event – a presentation from the Judiciary at 47 Sheppard. We will explore the following topics among others:

•           Advocacy Tips for Trials

•           Documentary Evidence in Family Court including evidence for 23C Uncontested hearings

•           Appointment for Amicus Counsel or the Public Guardian and Trustee

•           14B motions

•           Courtroom Etiquette and Decorum

•           Section 7 Expenses Advocacy tips on Child Support issues

Chair: The Honourable Justice Carolyn Jones, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto

Project Managers: Karen Ksienski, Katie Skinner and Vanessa D’Souza

“Movin’ On…?”:Parental Relocation Cases since the 2021 Legislative Amendments]



June 5, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Back by popular demand, renowned family law expert Professor Rollie Thompson will review and explain some of the major relocation cases since the 2021 legislative amendments! Do not miss Professor Rollie’s clear and concise explanation of all the things you will need to know when one parent relocates.

There will be polling questions!

This program has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism by the Law Society of Ontario. It contains 15 minutes of Professionalism Hours and 75 minutes of substantive CLE.

This last program before the summer is also FREE! You will receive information on how to access Zoom through Eventbrite after ticket purchase.

Chair: Justice Danielle Szandtner, Ontario Court of Justice

Speaker: Rollie Thompson, K.C., Professor, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University Counsel, Epstein Cole LLP

"Where is the Money" Imputing Income to Self- Employed Payors



May 1, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Chair: Justice Alex Finlayson, Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Family Division


Lauren Israel, Senior Family Lawyer

Adrian Baker, Senior Family Law Lawyer Stacie Glazman, Senior Family Law Lawyer and Chartered Business Valuato

Do not miss our panel of experts discuss how to navigate and determine income of the unincorporated self-employed payor. Issues will include the steps to be taken prior to litigation, for the important first Case Conference, if necessary, a motion for disclosure and motion to strike pleadings at the hearing stage of the proceeding.

The Use of Social Media Evidence: What Your Teenager Can’t Teach You



April 25, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Join our panel on ZOOM for up-to-date information on how and when to use social media evidence, including when not to do so. As the number of ways people communicate grows, you need to know what to do when your client brings you reams of information in the form of text messages, emails and Facebook or other social media posts. Learn how to recognize cyber bullying as family violence and how to protect your client when personal or inappropriate information is shared online.


The Honourable Justice Stanley Sherr, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto


Professor Martha Shaffer, University of Toronto

Emily Kostandoff, Family Lawyer

Project Managers: Simon Fisch, Jane Long and Mira Pilch

The panelists will answer these issues and other questions and provide essential tips for dealing with social media evidence.

Caselines Training



April 13, 2023

Substantive CPD:


Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Chair: Lisa Johnson, Barrister and Solicitor, Johnson Stern and Chair of the FLA Board

Speaker: Lorna Yates, Managing Partner, Laurel Family Law LLP

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Thursday, April 13, 2023

Time: 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Cost: $10

Courts are increasingly making note of the importance of using CaseLines properly and effectively in family law proceedings. In this special training webinar, family lawyer Lorna Yates will teach FLA members how to use all of the essential features of CaseLines, including advocacy tools, hyperlinking, and “everything else that you need for a successful appearance.

“States of the Law”:The Latest Updates on International Return Order Cases (Hague and Non-Hague)



April 3, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Chair: Justice Manjusha Pawagi, Ontario Court of Justice


Fareen Jamal, Jamal Family Law

Michael Stangarone, MacDonald and Partners, LLP

Cathy Tempesta, Counsel, Office of the Children’s Lawyer

Yvonne Fiamengo, Counsel, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto

Where:             Online through ZOOM

When:               Monday, April 3, 2023

From:                4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Do not miss our panel of experts explain important developments in the law of international return order cases, in both Hague and non-Hague matters. The panelists will discuss the distinctions between these cases, developing law and recent case law. Most notably, the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in F. v N., will be addressed, given its significant impact on how future non-Hague cases are argued. The impact of the new notice provisions in the Family Law Rules and the unique role of children aid societies in some of these cases will also be addressed.


This program has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism by the Law Society of Ontario. Materials will be provided electronically.

Legal Drafting in Family Law



March 8, 2023

Substantive CPD:


Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

Chair: Maria Golarz, research lawyer, Lam Family Law and FLA Board Member


Maryellen Symons, research lawyer, legal writer and editor, Symons Law

Vanessa Lam, strategic advisor and research lawyer, Lam Family Law

Rebecca Winninger, research lawyer at Lam Family Law

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Hear from a panel of research lawyers about best practices for legal drafting in family law. The panel will discuss how you can be an effective advocate in your written materials and submissions, and will provides tips and strategies to make the most of your limited space in litigation materials. This interactive workshop is a must-see session for all junior family lawyers (although intermediate and senior counsel are also welcome!).


“In Confidence”: Privacy and Disclosure in Child Protection and Family Law



March 6, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice Nicole Tellier, Superior Court of Justice


Renatta Austin, Child Protection and Family Lawyer

Sheena Scott, Counsel, Office of the Children’s


Maureen Silcoff, Silcoff, Shacter, Barristers &Solicitors

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Monday, March 6, 2023

From: 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Don’t miss this important presentation regarding requests for disclosure of counselling/mental health/medical records, police records (including YCJA records), child protection records and immigration/refugee records in family law and child protection proceedings. Considering different fact scenarios, the panel will explore the statutory and common law constraints and implications regarding the disclosure of these documents, including the privacy interests of children and adult parties. Valuable practice tips on this significant topic will be shared by this experienced panel – please join us!

CANLII Research in Family Law



March 1, 2023

Substantive CPD:


Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

Join us on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 for a virtual lunchtime workshop on legal drafting in family law.

Chair: Maria Golarz, research lawyer, Lam Family Law and FLA Board Member


Maryellen Symons, research lawyer, legal writer and editor, Symons Law

Vanessa Lam, strategic advisor and research lawyer, Lam Family Law

Rebecca Winninger, research lawyer at Lam Family Law

Maria Golarz, research lawyer, Lam Family Law and FLA Board Member

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Hear from a panel of research lawyers about best practices for legal drafting in family law. The panel will discuss how you can be an effective advocate in your written materials and submissions, and will provides tips and strategies to make the most of your limited space in litigation materials. This interactive workshop is a must-see session for all junior family lawyers (although intermediate and senior counsel are also welcome!).


Heresay: Admissible or Inadmissible? Part II: A Master Class in Evidence by Rollie Thompson



February 22, 2023

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee in cooperation with the Family Lawyers’ Association PRESENTS A VIRTUAL PROGRAM!

Hearsay: Admissible or Inadmissible?

Part II: A Master Class in Evidence with Professor Rollie Thompson

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Evidence law matters in family cases. It’s part of effective advocacy. But “the hearsay rule” isn’t always easy to master. What is “hearsay”? Is there a hearsay exception? What about the “principled approach”? Should I object? Professor Rollie Thompson will take you all the way from the basics to the latest developments in hearsay law. As usual, there will be skill-testing questions for you, and answers. Don’t miss this program!

Chair: The Honourable Justice Carole Curtis, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto

Speaker: Professor Rollie Thompson, KC, Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University

Project Managers: Aron David and Wendy Yee


Year in Review: The Leading Child Protection Cases of 2023



February 16, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Lawyers and Court Workers Welcome, 311 Open Bar Series Presents:

Déjà vu all over again!

Year in Review: The Leading Child Protection Cases of 2022 

 Thursday, February 16th 2023, from 4:45PM to 6:30PM


Back by popular demand! Do not miss this essential overview and discussion of the top child protection cases of 2022 led by experienced CAS counsel, parents’ counsel and OCL counsel. Our panel will discuss the impact of the leading cases of the last year on the issues that most often arise when you are involved in a child protection case. They will offer their top tips on how to navigate these matters in light of the evolving case law that is emerging in a number of important areas of child protection law.


Lisa Hayes, Counsel, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto

Gilead Kay, Senior Counsel/Founder, Kay Family Law & Mediation

Martha Chamberlain, Family Lawyer and Panel Lawyer for the Office of the Children’s Lawyer


Justice Susan Sullivan, Ontario Court of Justice

Separation Date Assessment Guide



January 26, 2023

Substantive CPD:


Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

Join us on January 26, 2023 for a virtual discussion on a newly-developed “Separation Date Assessment Guide”.

Chair:  Maria Golarz, research lawyer at Lam Family Law and FLA Board Member

Speakers: Yunjae Kim, partner at Birenbaum Steinberg Landau Savin; Colraine LLP

and David Frenkel, partner at Frenkel Tobin LLP

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Thursday, January 26, 2023

Time: 4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Determining the date of separation is an important and one of the first steps family law lawyers take when advising their clients.

If done correctly, the client’s case can proceed with confidence and a solid legal foundation.  If not, cracks in the theory of case can expand into other areas of the file and result in serious backpedaling. For example, an incorrect date of separation that is adjusted in the future can cost the client significant legal fees in amending pleadings, updating financial statements, requesting additional banking information, and scrambling to explain to a client why a separation date was not determined accurately in the first place.

Yunjae Kim and David Frenkel have developed a Separation Date Assessment Guide that can help lawyers address the separation date issue correctly in the first place. This Separation Date Assessment Guide was featured in the article “Separation Date Principles and Assessment Guide” in the 2022 Canadian Family Law Quarterly, 40 CFLQ 335, which was co-authored by Yunjae and David. The article is a comprehensive review of case law, legal principles, and judicial commentary on the issue of date of separation.

Yunjae and David will present the Guide by way of a hands-on workshop that is meant to show how to apply the Guide in a practical and common-sense approach.

By reviewing the Assessment Guide before the January 26th workshop, participants will be better equipped in applying the steps and asking relevant questions to increase their knowledge and further application.

To view the relevant case, please click Taylor v. Oliver, 2022 ONSC 7186 – Finlayson, J. – re. separation date

Year in Review: The Leading Family Law Cases of 2023



January 16, 2023

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice William Sullivan, Ontario Court of Justice

Speakers: Aaron Franks, Epstein Cole, LLP Adam Prewer, Epstein Cole, LLP

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Monday, January 16, 2022 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

By Zoom and back by popular demand, please welcome in the new year with this essential and not to be missed overview and discussion of the top family law cases of 2022. Our expert panel will discuss all of the important cases of 2022 and their impact on the practice of family law, including the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decision in F. v. N., released December 2, 2022.

This program has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism by the Law Society of Ontario.

Effective Advocacy: Winning Strategies to Present Your Case



December 5, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice Wiri Kapurura, Ontario Court of Justice

Speakers: Justice Alex Finlayson, Superior Court of Justice

Justice Roselyn Zisman, Ontario Court of Justice

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Monday, December 5, 2022

From: 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Hear from a panel of judges about best practices when appearing in court – whether it is at a conference, motion or trial. The panel will discuss how you can be an effective advocate, both in your written and oral advocacy and submissions, and will discuss common (and uncommon!) mistakes that lawyers should avoid. Whether you are a new call, intermediate or senior counsel, this must-see session will greatly assist your litigation practice.

THE PAPER CHASE: Bringing and Resisting Disclosure Motions



November 8, 2022

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

The importance of obtaining and providing disclosure in domestic and child welfare litigation cannot be overestimated. Only through timely and thorough disclosure can the litigants ensure the court has all it needs to deal with cases justly and fairly. Join Justice Sager and the panel of experienced counsel in discussing disclosure in both the child welfare and domestic context, including such key questions as:

• What is the extent of the CAS’s obligation to disclose in child protection litigation?

• How should parents respond to requests from CAS for their records in child protection litigation?

• Should there be terms or limits to disclosure orders?

• How do you obtain financial records from the other party or from 3rd parties, such as employers?

• How do you obtain police records?

• How can parents obtain CAS records in their domestic cases?

• What is the state of the law on children’s therapeutic records?

The panelists will answer these and other questions and provide essential tips on bringing or resisting motions for disclosure.

Chair: The Honourable Justice Melanie Sager, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto

Speakers: Renatta Austin, Child Protection and Family Lawyer; Nicole Horwitz, Counsel, Children’s Aid

Society of Toronto; and Theodora Oprea, Barrister

Violence, Harassment and Intimidation of Family Lawyers and Professionals



November 7, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Chair: Justice Sheilagh O’Connell


Hilary Linton, Mediator, Parenting Coordinator, Arbitrator: Riverdale Mediation/Toronto Family Mediation Services

Neha Chugh, Criminal and Child Protection Lawyer, Chugh Law

Gil Zvulony, Internet Lawyer, Zvulony & Co. pc

Has it become dangerous to be an Ontario lawyer? This was the headline of a Toronto Star article published on September 11, 2021. One does not have to look far to find examples of family lawyers who have been physically assaulted, threatened to the point of requiring a restraining order, suffered theft and property damage, or have been subject to internet/cyber-harassment.

Come hear our panel of experts talk about various issues including: Risk assessment tools and strategies to keep safe, the emotional impact of enduring threats and harassment, how to interact with police if you have been a victim, the law and best practices pertaining to getting off the record where safety concerns exist, legal and administrative recourse and remedies in cases of defamation and internet harassment, and much more. Don’t miss this important program!

Access, Content and Openness: Maintaining Children's Significant Relationships



October 3, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice Katherine Stacy Neill, Ontario Court of Justice


Kenneth Atkinson, Counsel, Office of the Children’s Lawyer

Amber Crowe, Executive Director of Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag Child & Family Services

Christina Ninham, Family Lawyer/OCL panel lawyer Ian Ross, Counsel, Office of the Children’s Lawyer

Where: Online Via Zoom

When: October 3rd 2022 from 4:45PM to 6:30PM

The CYFSA, the Court of Appeal case trilogy on access and An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families have changed the legal landscape for making decisions about access to children in extended society care. This has led to new ways of thinking about the importance of maintaining significant relationships for children post extended society care and post adoption and how to achieve this goal while keeping in mind the legal differences between access, contact, and openness. Our speakers will offer their perspectives on the best practices for ensuring the best outcomes for children where their most important relationships are concerned.

Coming into Focus: How to be an effective advocate in you focused hearing



September 28, 2022

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

30 Minutes

Focused hearings are increasing in every aspect of family law and are an essential aspect of domestic and child welfare litigation. Join Justice Sherr and the panel of experienced counsel to unpack the benefits of a focused hearing, how to prepare for and effectively argue a focused hearing, including the rules of evidence and the essentials of client management. This is a can’t- miss program for all litigators!

Chair: The Honourable Justice Stanley Sherr, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto

Speaker: Katie Skinner, CAS Toronto; Reide Kaiser, Staff Lawyer, Family Law Service Centre -Toronto North; and Aron David, Family Law Counsel

Project Managers: Lauren Calderwood, Simon Fisch and Stephanie Okola

Advocacy Tips from the Bench



June 14, 2022

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

30 Minutes

Challenging Child Support Problems: Everything you need to know!



June 6, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice Brian Scully, Ontario Court of Justice

Speaker: Rollie Thompson, Q.C., Professor, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Monday, June 6, 2022

From: 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Back by popular demand, renowned family law expert Professor Rollie Thompson will explain and clarify some challenging issues that arise in spousal support cases such as: temporary spousal support (including exceptions); re-partnering of the recipient; retirement; post-separation income increase of payor; variation/material change (still a confusing area); and retroactive spousal support claims. There will be polling questions!

Do not miss this essential learning opportunity!

This program has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism by the Law Society of Ontario. It contains 15 minutes of Professionalism Hours and 75 minutes of substantive CLE

The Paper Chaser: Documentary Evidence in Court



May 2, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice Stanley Sherr, Ontario Court of Justice


Yvonne Fiamengo, Senior counsel at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto

Martha Chamberlain, Barrister and Solicitor, Senior counsel representing parents and children

Pamila Bhardwaj, Barrister and Solicitor, Senior counsel representing parents

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Monday, May 2, 2022 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Please join our panel of experts regarding introducing documentary evidence at trial. This program will teach you everything you need to know about getting your documents in order before your trial begins, how to introduce documents such as police, hospital or medical records as business records or by other means, and the principles of rules of evidence that you need to know regarding admissibility. Do not miss this essential primer in trial preparation!

This program has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism by the Law Society of Ontario.

Order outside the court! The Right to Counsel in Out- of-Court Child Protection Matters



April 4, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes


Justice Alex Finlayson, Superior Court of Justice


Tammy Law, Barrister and Solicitor, past President OACPL.

Simon Fisch, counsel, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto

Tom Kelsey, Director-General, Legal Aid Ontario

Cathy Tempesta, counsel, Office of the Children’s Lawyer

When: Online through ZOOM Monday, April 4, 2022 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Many child protection issues involve out-of-court solutions. However, despite the critical issues at play, too often parents and children do not have the benefit of representation or legal advice until or unless a case is brought to court. Our panel of experts will address critical gaps in access to counsel and discuss the following issues:

􏰀 Efforts being made to ensure that parents/children get access to representation/advice before a case gets to court;

􏰀Circumstances when it would be prudent to have out of court representation/advice;

􏰀Funding options available through Legal Aid Ontario;

􏰀Remedies available when matters go awry without parties having the benefit

of legal advice.

􏰀Charter implications and creative court challenges ahead.

Prove It! A Master Class in Evidence with Professor Rollie Thompson



March 22, 2022

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

30 Minutes

Evidence matters in family law cases and is an essential part of effective advocacy. Join Professor Rollie Thompson for a deep dive into the rules of evidence, including practical tips on how to recognize and anticipate evidentiary issues in your case, the process and test for admissibility of expert evidence, and common evidentiary pitfalls to avoid. You cannot afford to miss this program!

Chair: The Honourable Justice Debra Paulseth, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto

Speaker: Professor Rollie Thompson, QC, Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University

Project Managers: Lauren Calderwood and Wendy Yee

An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis Children, Youth and Families



March 8, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Chair: Justice Manjusha Pawagi, Ontario Court of Justice


Justice Jessica Wolfe, Ontario Court of Justice

Maureen Bulbrook, Indigenous Counsel,

Office of the Children’s Lawyer

Sarah Clarke, Principal, Clarke Child & Family Law

Rebecca Kingdon, Counsel, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto

Naiomi W. Metallic, Assistant Professor of Law & Chancellor’s Chair in Aboriginal Law and Policy, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University

Where: Online through ZOOM

When: Tuesday, March 8, 2022

From: 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The federal Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families came into effect on January 1, 2020. Our highly knowledgeable and experienced panel will provide an essential overview of the Act, how it has been interpreted since coming into force and practical advocacy tips regarding its application to the CYFSA. You will also hear about the recent decision of the Quebec Court of Appeal and its implications for the Act. Do not miss this critical program.

A YEAR IN REVIEW: The Leading Child Protection Cases of 2021



February 7, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Join our panel for a session about the legislative changes to the Children’s Law Reform Act regarding relocation and change of address after the passing of Bill 207 – Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020.

Our panel of lawyers, along with our judicial chair, will discuss the recent changes, and will provide tips and strategies from the perspective of both the prospective relocating and stay behind parents.

This program will delve into issues such as notice; pre litigation, litigation, and negotiation strategies; impact on child support; when to consider involving child’s counsel; the impact on existing orders; considerations for urgent situations; some important caselaw.

After the program, you will receive practical tip sheets.

A YEAR IN REVIEW: The Top Family Law Cases of 2021



January 17, 2022

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Challenging Child Support Problems



June 7, 2021

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

The Judges' Panel



May 20, 2021

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

60 Minutes

30 Minutes

The Trans Competent Lawyer



May 3, 2021

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

Child Protection and Family Law Appeals



April 19, 2021

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Retroactive Child Support



March 23, 2021

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

When Family and Immigration Issues Intersect



March 1, 2021

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

Nothing but the Truth



February 2, 2021

Substantive CPD:

North Toronto Family Court Education Committee (NTFCEC)

Professionalism CPD:

90 Minutes

No One Likes Change



February 1, 2021

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

The Year in Review



January 11, 2021

Substantive CPD:

311 Jarvis Open Bar Series

Professionalism CPD:

75 Minutes

15 Minutes

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